Charles Lawrence talking with Kalle Kuisma after the Four Winds Concert in May 2019. This podcast extra features live music by Charles Lawrence, Tuomas Rounakari, Duo Hurme, Klava and Munnaripartio.
Concert Memories
One is Our Earth – Four Winds Concert in Malmisali, Helsinki on 10th May 2019 was one of the kind, and surely left its mark to everyone participating.
Techqua Ikachi
Sacred Pipe Ceremony
Sunday 19th May at 10 am – 4 pm.
Charles Lawrence’s Sacred Pipe Ceremony and Full Moon Drum Circle,
Oulunkylä Old Wooden School, Teinintie 8.
45 € Four Winds members or 50 € otherwise. Send mail to tell that you will be there: info(at) / Paymenents: vweb shop or with cash on the door.
There’s a break so bring a lunch if you like. Tea and snacks available.
Four Winds Summer Gathering
The Four Winds summer gathering “ONE IS OUR EARTH” 25.-28.7.2019
PLACE OF THE EVENT: Lappeenranta, at Marjola holiday resort by the lake of Saimaa, Eastern Finland. Place is easily reachable by public transportation (train, bus). The entire place is reserved for Four Winds only.
Rainbow Eagle (USA): Seventh Fire Peace Shield teachings
Mary Rainbow Snake Woman (USA): Native American beadwork
Ragnhildur Jónsdóttir (ICELAND): Fairy folk and Earth spirits of Iceland
Charles Lawrence (USA) : Inner journey with Grandfather of the Four Winds
Swami Atmananda Puri (INDIA): Sacred Hawan Ceremony
Swamini Anuradha Puri (INDIA): Morning circles, Veda Art with children
Daily program will be published closer to the event. Each guest will have his/her own day. Daily tickets also available.
Program will also have space for free time – sauna every day, swimming in the lake, communicating and sharing with others, Sacred Circles, drumming, singing, dancing, celebrating life and our precious Mother Earth.
PRICES (includes accommodation, meals and program for all days)
For Four Winds members (adult):
-Accommodation indoors (3-4 persons in the same hotel room) 340 euros
-Camping (in your own tent) 220 euros.
For non-members (adult):
– Indoors 370 euros
– Camping 250 euros
Possibility to book sleeping place in our half-platoon tent if you don’t have your own tent.
Rooms will be reserved in registration order, so gather your friends and be quick to register.
-Daily tickets 100 euros
2-12 years old – 110 euros
13-16 years old – 190 euros
Indoors/hotel accommodation with parents
2-12 years old – 150 euros
13-16 years old – 280 euros
Children under 2 years for free.
Send e-mail to and tell us:
– Your name
– Contact information ( e-mail, phone number)
– Do you have any allergies – food is mostly vegetarian, might also have fish.
– Do you have any diseases etc. which organizers should be aware of in case of emergency
– Accommodation wishes – who is your roommate if you arrive with friend or children
Payment here:
Information is only in finnish, but you will find right one based on the price, which are all different. Check your price above, and find that same amount from web shop options.
If you wish to join Four Winds and get your membership, you will need to pay membership fee. It is for calender year 2019.
20 euros/year for adults
10 euros/year for students, pensioners and unemployed.
From web shop it can be found under ”jäsenmaksu”. After paying, you are allowed to pay your camp fee as a member of Four Winds. No other information of membership needed.
No alcohol or drugs are allowed on our camp.
Changes in the program are possible.
For questions and more information, please contact:
Facebook: Saila Anttila
Phone/WhatsApp: Virko Kolulahti +358-45-272 4003
Four Winds web pages:
Podcast Episode 3: Power of Music
One is Our Earth – episode 3: POWER OF MUSIC (19.4.2019) 62min
Featuring voices by: Tuomas Rounakari, Hanna Rajakangas, Ringa Koskinen, Charles Lawrence, VJ Tuulinen Kaaos. Interviewers: Kalle Kuisma ja Meri Hietala.
journalistic editor: Kalle Kuisma, Sisko Pajari, Meri Hietala
editing: Kalle Kuisma ja Sisko Pajari
sound design: Kalle Kuisma
production crew
Kalle Kuisma, Sisko Pajari & Virko Kolulahti
Four Winds / Korppiradio
music & soundscapes
Tuomas Rounakari: Kutsu
Tuomas Rounakari: Call of the Earth
Tuomas Rounakari:Procession
Tuomas Rounakari: Langetus
Duo Hurme: Höga Visan
Charles Lawrence: Return to the Earth
Klava: Sillat
Munnaripartio: (nimetön)
Ferkessedougou, Argile Tour 2007
Pierre Gauthier: appel à la priére,dinangourou
meisterjaan: shaman’s drum
inchadney: thunderstorm
Martin.Sadoux: Africa, Burkina Faso , in the north. Wind and birds in the bushes.
EpicWizard: Morning in Eastern South Africa captured with Sony M10.
LukeIRL: People gather in a hindu temple, Udaipur for a ceremony that involves a lot of singing
woodflutes: native american style flute in a
andre-onate: indra-slice
andre-onate: indra-call
Four Winds movie night
Two wonderful films will be shown on the One is Our Earth – movie night in Malmitalo, Helsinki on Thursday 28th March at 18:00.
Journey (Matka, Suomi/Venäjä 2007) by Lehmuskallio and Lapsui takes place in Anastasia Lapsui’s home land, Northern nomadic Nenetsia. The documentary tells a story from a womb to death. Not many words are needed, the black and white film is carried by music by Anna-Kaisa Liedes and soundscapes by Peter Nordström.
Hundred Drums by Ville Tanttu was filmed in the Four Winds 20th anniversary summer event.
After the films there is time for discussion. Markku Lehmuskallio and Anastasia Lapsui are present.
No age limit. Tickets 7 eur. In advance from
ONE IS OUR EARTH – EXTRA (25.3.2019) 17mins
In the special edition of the One is Our Earth podcast series Markku Lehmuskallio and Anastasia Lapsui talk about their life and introduce their film “Journey”. Charles Lawrence tells how he met Anastasia and Markku on the the Four Winds camp in Inari.

Warmly welcome to Four Winds movie night
Podcast 2: Community
ONE IS OUR EARTH – part 2: Community and Personal Transformation (20.3.2019) 55min
The second episode was published on the Spring Equinox day 20.3.2019 and features voices by Charles Lawrence, Virko Kolulahti, Anastasia Lapsui, Markku Lehmuskallio sekä Swamini Anuradha.
work group
translation: Elina Mäkilä
narration: Hanna Kaisa Vainio, Meri Hietala
journalistic editor: Sisko Pajari
editing: Kalle Kuisma ja Sisko Pajari
sound design: Kalle Kuisma
production crew
Kalle Kuisma, Sisko Pajari & Virko Kolulahti
Four Winds / Korppiradio
text paragraphs
Kiamars Baghbani: Kansantarujen iättömyydestä
Tarina Zähakista
From the book Neljän tuulen tiet (2007)
music and sounscapes
Charles Lawrence: Gaia
Charles Lawrence: Rhea
Nikolaj de Haan: Hemis Monastery, Ladakh
meisterjaan: shaman’s drum
inchadney: thunderstorm
inchadney: fireplace
xserra: santur (played by Peyman Heydarian)
xserra: bendir
xserra: arab-group-2
xserra: kerala
xserra: stockholm-parade
woodflutes: native american style flute in a
andre-onate: indra-slice
andre-onate: indra-call
kevp888: india-puja
kevp888: india-varanasi
kevp888: india-agra
calcuttan: tropical orchard in spring
calcuttan: kali-temple-soundscape
calcuttan: crows-of-calcutta
calcuttan: immersion-procession
calcuttan: flautist-mundiali
ONE IS OUR EARTH – Podcast 1
YKSI ON MAA – episode 1: PLANET (19.2.2019) 41min
This first episode of the ONE IS OUR EARTH podcast series features voices by climate specialist Tero Toivanen, plus the Four Winds elders Markku Lehmuskallio, Anastasia Lapsui and Charles Lawrence. Languages: Finnish, Russian (translated to Finnish), English.
translation: Elina Mäkilä
narrators: Hanna Kaisa Vainio, Meri Hietala
journalistic editor: Sisko Pajari
sound design and editing: Kalle Kuisma
production crew
Kalle Kuisma, Sisko Pajari & Virko Kolulahti
Four Winds / Korppiradio
text paragraphs
Johannes Setälä: Samaanien Kalevala
from the book Neljän tuulen tiet (2007)
music and soundscapes
Tuomas Rounakari: Kutsu
Hopi Indian Chanters : Chant of the Eagle Dance
Charles Lawrence: I Send a Cry
Charles Lawrence: Return to the Earth
Pablo Salatin: Svalbard, Temple Fjord
A small wind flute shrine in memory of a storm we survived and others things
Vincent Duseigne: Brugge station
Wu.Tsan-Cheng: 復興路421號,Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City
Sylvia Shale: Lost Maples State Park, TX, USA
Lost Maples – Can Creek Pipe
John Hopkins: neoscenes: Echo Park campfire
speltier: Seymour Valley Trailway
Spring Equinox Vision
A Recent Vision commands attending to: A vision of what might happen IF great numbers of us, around the world were to sit at an appointed time and delicate 2-3 hours of simply beating a heart beat, while deliberately directing that resonance into Mother Earth.
For those unfamiliar with this one’s personal history: 43 years ago I was given a ‘vision’. (In NW Native Tradition that is called a ‘Glimmering’ when that happens, the one who received the ‘call’ is sent off on a quest to fulfill and discover what the vision meant.) At That time, I was studying with Joseph Campbell, the now famous Mythologist. The Vision came while attending a lecture by him, the topic of the lecture ‘the Lakota myth of the Broken Hoop’. Approaching Joe, after the lecture, he listened carefully as he usually did. Then pronounced that I needed to set out to discover what the vision had for this one.
The Vision: What would / might happen IF we simply began to gather once again as Ancestors did at the 4 turnings of the Year; to Celebrate our lives and remember ‘Sacred relationship’ with all things! We are at core level, agrarian beings, simply another species of Being here on the earth. As most of you know, Native elders, Hopi, Coast Salish, Lakota, Seneca with whom I had become familiar, were most eager to assist this one in realizing the Vision.
43 years later, that Vision has assisted this one and many many others to ‘return to’ Our Mother. In particular here in USA, the Vision eventually led to the re-birth of an Ancient Shoshone Ceremony, their version of the fabled ghost dance, naraya. 28 years have passed since the re-birth of naraya and close to 1,000 persons a year now celebrate that ceremony of spirit Renewal.
An aspect of that original Vision assisted in birthing 4 winds, Finland, where we have entered our 23rd year of existence. I am privileged, now, to visit with family on Iceland where I have joined in their Sacred Circles that feed the spirits of the people!
There was no way of predicting what might unfold as this one followed, step by step,, noting when and where the next step appeared. The quality of the vision speaks for itself! Literally Thousands of individuals have benefitted from participating with varying aspects of the Vision and becoming infected with the commanding Spirit to truly attend to personal re-newal..
The NEW Vision; What might happen.. IF… dedicated persons sit in Circle, Dedicate that time to be in harmony with one another and beat, in unison..the Sacred Heartbeat. The crucial timing seems to be Equinox, Spring 2019. I am intent on leaving the details of timing to those of you on the naming list, who feel ‘called’ to participate with the experiment.
There is a wide span of time zones to be considered. yet, I recall an event “Harmonic conversion’ when thousands around the world participated. In the gatherings in which I participated, the dynamic Spirited JOY that we all experienced enhanced our lives in countless ways.
Something IS calling! A ‘Cry’ from Her! Who will join this Vision?
Please consider what I have put forth here. Does the ‘Cry’ hold any appeal for you? If so, can you become full-heartedly active and contact all your friends, students, collaborators to co-Create an Equinox gathering, Equinox, the balance time..equal light and dark. I imagine that collectively there are more than 2,000 drums we are connected to.
My Spirited Imagination says that those 2.000& Drums will be delighted to be called into Presence to Honor our Mother! This will be a person to person mobilization.. Iktomi, the great Spider, Weaver of the Sacred Web that is Life is calling us together!
Eager to hear your thoughts!
Charles Lawrence