Techqua Ikachi

Hopi: Techqua Ikachi - info
Land, My Life

Hopi elders in the village of Hotevilla (Arizona) relate the story of their people’s history. As witnesses themselves, they tell about their peaceful resistance against the American government’s ex¬propriating their land and depriving them of their rights. The film shows the beauty of their culture, putting its threatened existence into a global perspective. This unique document of both current and historical images is a plea for the dignity of all peoples and for ecological balance on this earth – a legacy of lasting political relevance.

Documentary, 89 min

by James Danaqyumptewa, Anka Schmid, Agnes Barmettler
Switzerland, 1989

Hopi: Techqua Ikachi Pt1 ENGLISH
Hopi: Techqua Ikachi Pt2
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Techqua Ikachi is the story of Land and Life told by Hopi Elders.
Grandmother Carolyn Tawangyama is also in the film, which was made in 1989.
The film is in two parts and has subtitles in English.

Tree of life

I am that force of life as ray of hope to mankind.
My root of depth unknown to man.
Fed was I by sacred waters
from rivers of Mother Earth.
My bark of strongest faith,
my branches in salutation
in search of all creation to reach
the highest form of my existence.
My energy of sparks of fire
from great Father Sun.
Possessor of all energies above and under.
I seek, I reach, I behold, I render.

My talk reaches the Sun,
my heart beats with Mother Earth.

My blood flows in harmony with rivers
that maintain the freshness of life.
My branches reach the skies
saluting day and night.
the Universe in constant balance
of being and truth.
My roots point to the center of the Earth and
is so feel the warmth of it’s inner core.
Reaching the warmth in every man’s heart.
Emulate my branches and roots.
Stretch your arms in unisons with mine and together
we pray the sacred prayer of the Tree of Life.

(Charles Lawrence)