Podcast Episode 3: Power of Music

One is Our Earth – episode 3: POWER OF MUSIC (19.4.2019) 62min

Featuring voices by: Tuomas Rounakari, Hanna Rajakangas, Ringa Koskinen, Charles Lawrence, VJ Tuulinen Kaaos. Interviewers: Kalle Kuisma ja Meri Hietala.


journalistic editor: Kalle Kuisma, Sisko Pajari, Meri Hietala
editing: Kalle Kuisma ja Sisko Pajari
sound design: Kalle Kuisma

production crew

Kalle Kuisma, Sisko Pajari & Virko Kolulahti
Four Winds / Korppiradio

music & soundscapes

Tuomas Rounakari: Kutsu
Tuomas Rounakari: Call of the Earth
Tuomas Rounakari:Procession
Tuomas Rounakari: Langetus
Duo Hurme: Höga Visan
Charles Lawrence: Return to the Earth
Klava: Sillat
Munnaripartio: (nimetön)


Ferkessedougou, Argile Tour 2007
Pierre Gauthier: appel à la priére,dinangourou


meisterjaan: shaman’s drum
inchadney: thunderstorm
Martin.Sadoux: Africa, Burkina Faso , in the north. Wind and birds in the bushes.
EpicWizard: Morning in Eastern South Africa captured with Sony M10.
LukeIRL: People gather in a hindu temple, Udaipur for a ceremony that involves a lot of singing
woodflutes: native american style flute in a
andre-onate: indra-slice
andre-onate: indra-call